Improving and promoting eye lash growth

Okay I know that there are plenty of women out there who wish that they can improve something on their body without using crazy products that may of may not work. With me it is my eyelashes; they are short and most cases too curly to apply false lashes. I look at my children and envy the fact they have long full lashes. It had me thinking how come my children have full lashes and I'm stuck with the ones I got.
So I did some research online to gather information on why my lashes were thin and falling out. I found that the technical term is Madarosis. There is no specific factor towards eyelash thinning but hear are some contributing​ factors towards lash loss.
1.)rubbing your eyes with dirty hand can cause bacteria that could cause your eyelashes to fall out;
2.)misusing mascara by leaving it on all day and night.
3.)Other sites state that chemicals in the mascara can cause thinning. 4.)Another site states that it could be a psychological condition called Trichotillomania (condition characterized by the irresistible urge to pluck out your hair).
Improving and promoting eye lash growth

There's a lot of information on promoting eyelash growth and I'm about to try one of these natural remedies to grow long lashes.
The remedy I choice to use is the warm olive oil applied to my lashes at night and let it set...then rinse in the morning and repeat the next night. There are other remedies as well for example the petroleum jelly applied on lashes three to four times a week. Another remedy I've read was the tea tree oil mixed n warm water and applied to lashes can stimulate growth. Sound easy I'm going to show before and after picture of my lashes after a month. Now even though your lashes are falling there are ways to mask and cover up the problem.

How to wear make-up with falling lashes

1.) mascara

  • Use the darkest shade of a good brand of lengthening and volumizing mascara as they improve appearance.
2.) Eyeliner

  • Gel or waterproof liner applied boldly on the lash line as this will create the iilusion of fuller lashes.
Try these things and you should be able to get the effect that you need...take your time and dont be afraid to make mistakes...hell thats why we have make-up remover for regular make-up and waterproof. Just have patients you will get it.

**Remember always remove all your make up to ensure the right resul2017.

So after two weeks of the olive oil technique I can actually say that there are some improvements with my lashes. As you can see in the before picture my lashes was barely visible. After two week my lashes are a little bit visible...hardly no im goning to continue for the next two weeks just to see the end result come August.
BH Cosmetics


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